PROJECT: Sushi Tycoon - Dev Time 2 Weeks
- This game served as a test for using goal oriented agent path finding systems for agents. Since then I have expanded on this using Heirarchical Finite state machines for agent behaviours.
- Gameplay loop inspired by Dave the Diver, Rollercoaster Tycoon and (the) Gnorp Apologue.
- Gameplay leans more towards an idle game, the goal is to gain customer satisfaction which grants research points which is used to upgrade certain aspects of staff.
- Instead of separating the game into the fishing part, in which the player controls a boat and collects fish from their divers. And the restaurant part where they manage their restaurant. I decided to see what it would be like if I merged both.
- The dual screen is using two cameras which is outputting to two different render textures. The render textures are used as the material for two canvas objects. Highly inefficient, but this is a rapid prototype.
- The game has a functioning save system. This includes the layout of the restaurant.